Check out this amazing collection of articles about Silver and Colloidal Silver by Mike Adams (The Health Ranger) at
6/27/2014 - The monetary value of silver pales in comparison to gold, but silver's medicinal value cannot be beaten when it comes to fighting off infections. In an emergency situation, colloidal silver is not only more valuable than a stash of gold but also more powerful than the medical system's gold standard...
12/19/2013 - Many cultures throughout history understood that certain colloids - solutions in which one substance is evenly dispersed throughout another substance at the microscopic level - contained important medicinal properties. After all, if a certain substance possessed proven healing properties in its natural...
10/15/2013 - The highly infectious norovirus, or stomach flu bug, causes a very common illness, affecting hundreds of millions of people who come into contact with it through contaminated food, water, surfaces or other people every year. Now, scientists have discovered that copper and its more than 300 different...
10/1/2013 - You can't throw a rock nowadays without hitting a doctor who is eagerly waiting to prescribe antibiotics for nearly any infection, bacterial or not. Facing the onslaught of patient after patient complaining about cold and flu like symptoms, antibiotics become the easy out for doctors to pack them up...
7/30/2013 - Silver has been used since ancient Greek and Roman times as an antimicrobial, for preserving foods and liquids and medicinally. Then, in the early Twentieth Century, allopathic medicine monopolized all medical practice, favoring only synthetic pharmaceuticals. As the medical monopoly's antibiotic...
7/18/2013 - Most people are not as familiar with colloidal gold as they are with its pathogen destroying sister, colloidal silver. However, colloidal gold, which is tasteless and non-toxic, has some amazing benefits for a wide variety of health applications and a long history of use - often in combination with...
4/19/2013 - As the U.S. government continues to crank out dollars like they were Monopoly money, more and more states - fearing an eventual collapse of the currency, most likely - are looking at ways to legalize and utilize gold and silver as currency. Shunning trust in the Fed chairman Ben Bernanke, the Treasury...
4/9/2013 - Healthy Living recently interviewed renowned homeopath Robert Scott Bell, D.A. Hom., on the benefits of silver hydrosol and silver first aid gel for addressing the virus that causes shingles. While Robert acknowledges that there is a growing controversy as to the nature and threat of viruses as a cause...
1/7/2013 - Colloidal silver consists of silver atoms suspended in distilled ion-less water. The particles of silver are small enough to penetrate on a cellular level and destroy pathogens of all types, including bacteria, fungal spores, parasites, and viruses. Not only does silver get rid of pathogens, it helps...
10/25/2012 - Every prepper knows about the benefits of colloidal silver. Used topically, colloidal silver kills bacteria, protecting wounds from infection. When taken internally, it accomplishes much the same thing, and I've personally seen it rescue someone from severe food poisoning during a hiking expedition...
8/26/2012 - There is good reason for legitimate optimism right now, even in the face of an approaching financial collapse and the rise of the new American police state. It sounds contradictory, but there is a silver lining to all this. There's a catch, however: The silver lining only applies to those who learn...
5/28/2012 - U.S. debt is spiraling out of control. The Treasury Department's printing presses are cranking out hundreds of billions in new money. The U.S. dollar is weak. The stock market is volatile. European countries are imploding financially and the entire European Union is at risk of collapse. The Middle East...
4/10/2012 - Sir Alexander Fleming discovered the antibacterial power of the mold Penicillium notatum in 1928. Even though it was a natural healing agent effective in destroying Staphylococcus aureus and other noxious bacteria, the pharmaceutical industry got hold of nature's bounty and it became -- along with multiple...
3/17/2012 - The amazing infection-treating properties of silver seem to be flooding the pages of scientific journals these days, as researchers, scientists, and medical experts are finally fessing up to the fact that this unique element possesses healing properties far superior to pharmaceutical antibiotics and...
3/12/2012 - The case of the legendary "Blue Man" whose entire body turned blue after taking a liquid concoction that the mainstream media continues to refer to as "colloidal silver" is a fraud. Contrary to what you may have heard about the incident, 57-year-old Paul Karason from California had not been taking real...
2/8/2012 - More than 90 years ago doctors and health practitioners discovered the life-saving, disinfectant and germicidal properties in colloidal silver. Anecdotal evidence has confirmed its efficacy as a natural antibiotic, anti-viral and anti-fungal agent. The FDA, however, doesn't agree and ruled in 1999 that...
8/22/2011 - Dependence on antibiotics has spawned a plethora of antibiotic resistant pathogens, such as MRSA bacteria, which are becoming epidemic. Most, not all, of those antibiotic resistant microbes were generated in hospitals. Some doctors and hospital administrators are forced into looking at copper and silver...
5/19/2011 - After decades of denial about the toxicity of amalgam fillings, the United States government has announced its support of a "phase down" of mercury amalgam fillings. In addition to support for the immediate "phase out," the U.S. spoke up for protecting children and the unborn from amalgam and recommended...
4/20/2011 - After decades of denial about the toxicity of amalgam fillings, the United States government has announced its support of a phase down of mercury amalgam fillings. In addition to support for the immediate phase out, the U.S. spoke up for protecting children and the unborn from amalgam and recommended...
2/16/2010 - Mainstream medicine tells us that there is little we can do for the common cold other than treat the symptoms and let the cold run its course. To some extent, a cold does have to run its course, but what many do not know is that nature offers remedies that can greatly speed recovery from a common cold...
1/21/2010 - Here's breaking news that's a double barrel blast. A November 2009 Henry Ford hospital report claims dangerous Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) bacteria are approaching epidemic status, and so are other antibiotic resistant microbes. And now: As of January 1, 2009, the EU (European...
12/9/2009 - In 1999, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) handed down a dictate against products known as colloidal silver -- tiny silver particles suspended in a liquid base. The FDA ( proclaimed colloidal silver was not recognized as safe and effective...
11/13/2009 - Colloidal silver is one of the best natural antibiotics yet discovered in human history. For many health applications, it's safer, cheaper and far more effective than traditional antibiotics. The effectiveness of colloidal silver is such a huge threat to the pharmaceutical industry that the FDA (and...
10/14/2009 - The element silver has long been recognized as a precious metal of significant value. In fact, prior to the early '60s, silver was used to make quarters and dimes because it held its value in weight. Silver is also utilized in a variety of industrial uses including imaging and photography, electronics,...
10/8/2009 - Prior to the advent of patentable and more profitable antibiotics, medicines containing silver were the most widely prescribed infection fighters by doctors and there were no fewer than 34 different approved prescription and over the counter medications which contained silver. Now, after the elimination...
10/7/2009 - It was revealed that a handful of the activist agencies which were behind the petition to the EPA to regulate nano-silver as a pesticide received funding from pharmaceutical giant Merck, which annually has hundreds of billions of dollars in profits from patented antibiotics which colloidal silver poses...
9/11/2009 - In a recent presentation before the annual American Chemical Society meeting held in Washington, D.C., scientist Ankit Agarwal revealed that he's come up with an approach to healing that can kill 99.9999 percent of bacteria in a wound using a natural substance -- silver. And he claims he's found a way...
9/1/2009 - Silver-based nanoparticles may prove the most effective method yet of delivering pneumonia medications, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Washington University School of Medicine and the University of Akron, Ohio, and presented at the 105th International Conference of the American...
1/20/2009 - Urgent Action Needed - Petition Seeks to Have Nano-Silver Regulated as a Pesticide. A coalition of environmental and activist groups have been inundating their members with emails and other messages to garner support for a misguided petition to have the EPA regulate nano-sized silver particles as pesticides....
12/23/2008 - As the rapid devaluation of the American dollar rapidly approaches, more and more people are looking for a safe place to store their savings. In previous articles, I've talked about the importance of putting some percentage of your savings in gold and silver coins (that amount varies from 10% to 50%,...
11/21/2008 - Utopia Silver Supplements is a colloidal silver company based out of Utopia, Texas. This natural supplement company has been battling the FDA for 5 years. In this exclusive interview, Ben Taylor, Utopia Silver Supplement Company owner, discusses his fight to defend the company and the principles of...
11/21/2008 - Utopia Silver Supplements is a colloidal silver company based out of Utopia, Texas. This natural supplement company has been battling the FDA for 5 years. In this exclusive interview, Ben Taylor, Utopia Silver Supplement Company owner, discusses his fight to defend the company and the principles of...
11/21/2008 - Utopia Silver Supplements is a colloidal silver company based out of Utopia, Texas. This natural supplement company has been battling the FDA for 5 years. In this exclusive interview, Ben Taylor, Utopia Silver Supplement Company owner, discusses his fight to defend the company and the principles of...
11/21/2008 - Utopia Silver Supplements is a colloidal silver company based out of Utopia, Texas. This natural supplement company has been battling the FDA for 5 years. In this exclusive interview, Ben Taylor, Utopia Silver Supplement Company owner, discusses his fight to defend the company and the principles of...
11/5/2008 - The allure of gold and silver has held humanity's captivation throughout history. The true reason behind this appeal, beyond the symbol of wealth, is not known but there have been many postulations. When one is familiar with the properties of silver, then it's easy to assume that the long held value...
9/16/2008 - Yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of yeast which can affect the skin (yeast rash), mouth (thrush), digestive tract, esophagus, vagina (vaginitis), and other parts of the body. Yeast infections occur most frequently in moist areas of the body. Although Candida albicans and other Candida yeasts...
8/17/2008 - A new variety of pajamas, spun with silver fiber, is being marketed as an anti-microbial defense for hospital patients who are concerned about the superbug methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). MRSA is an antibiotic-resistant variety of the common bacteria that causes staph infections....
7/29/2008 - For the past five years, the Utopia Silver Supplement Company has been waging a battle for health freedom against the giants of the State of Texas and the FDA -- one which may have major implications for all of us regarding the freedom of access to natural health supplements. "This system operates...
6/23/2008 - The International Center for Technology Assessment (CTA) and a group of consumer, health, and environmental groups have filed a legal petition with the Environmental Protection Agency demanding the agency use its pesticide regulation authority to stop the sale of several consumer products that are now...
6/23/2008 - Research by academics at the University of Southampton in collaboration with occupational therapy clinicians into the effectiveness of wearing a particular type of silver ring to alleviate symptoms of arthritis has found some benefits to their use. The research, which was carried out by academics...
2/26/2008 - The recent widespread mainstream media coverage of the "blue man" Paul Karason and his rare skin condition known as Argyria is the latest in a series of largely misleading and sensationalized scare stories about the dangers of colloidal silver turning a person`s skin blue. Although this latest story...
12/4/2006 - Nanomaterials -- products and materials changed or created at the atomic and molecular level -- are quickly gaining popularity for their multitude of uses, and while the Environmental Protection Agency is preparing to regulate popular nanosilver antibacterial products, ostensibly to protect consumers,...
10/23/2006 - Subway and train stations in London and other parts of the UK are considering using a powerful, non-toxic colloidal silver disinfectant spray to help fend off the spread of the flu virus this winter after Hong Kong subways recently announced its use of the spray. The MTR company revealed this morning...
11/8/2005 - Mike: I'm here with Keith Moeller of American Biotech Labs. You have a unique colloidal silver product. A lot of people are familiar with colloidal silver, and maybe the first generation of colloidal silver products. Can you give us an introduction of what's unique about your products? Moeller:...
8/7/2005 - Right now I'm holding an off-the-shelf medical product that would not have existed five years ago. What is it? It's the Curad Silver natural antibacterial bandages. Yes, I have a box of 30 bandages that have the word "silver" prominently mentioned on the front cover. Now, it is actually good science...
7/26/2005 - Colloidal silver, a liquid suspension of the metal silver, is currently a hot topic in the world of medicine. While alternative medicine praises its use as an antibiotic, mainstream medicine considers it somewhat of a poison. But colloidal silver is neither a poison nor a panacea: It is a safe and proven...
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