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Liquid Oxygen Drops
€44.95 €32.95-27%

Soladey Interchangea
Liquid Oxygen Drops
€44.95 €32.95-27%

Personal Polarizer
€79.95 €74.95-6%

Sovereign Silver (16

Akai Ionizer Plus® M
€295.95 €265.00-10%

Akai Ionizer Plus® M

Colloidal Silver 10p

Silver Lungs Deluxe
€595.00 €485.95-18%

Polarizer Plate
Important Links
- Magnetic Pulsing - PEMFs
- Magnetic Pulsing Video
- What Exactly Is Colloidal Silver?
- Colloidal Silver Research Studies
- Silver Articles
- Dr. Hulda Clark
- Dr. Robert C. Beck
- The Beck Protocol
- The Real Facts on Colloidal Silver
- Suppressed Medical Discovery
- Science News 1991
- Blood Electrification US Patent: # 5,139,684
- Dr. Royal Raymond Rife - A Brief History
- Healing Cancer From Inside Out
- Food Matters
- Acidic Vs. Alkaline Blood