Dr. Robert C. Beck
Magnetic Pulsing
Dr. Robert Beck discusses the blood electrification device that he sifted from obscurity and almost lost due to the media blackout.
Blood electrification. Patent #5139684, granted Aug 18 1992 (filed Nov 16 1990)
Electrically conductive method and systems for treatment of blood and other body fluids and/or synthetic fluids with electric forces
Discovery and Inventors: Dr. William Lyman & Dr. Steven Kaali (co-inventor Peter Schwolsky)
Science News 1991 article about Blood Electrification.
A new process and system for treatment of blood and/or other body fluids and/or synthetic fluids from a donor to a recipient or storage receptacle or in a recycling system using novel electrically conductive treatment vessels for treating blood and/or other body fluids and/or synthetic fluids with electric field forces of appropriate electric field strength to provide electric current flow through the blood or other body fluids at a magnitude that is biologically compatible but is sufficient to render the bacteria, virus, and/or fungus ineffective to infect normally healthy cells while maintaining the biological usefulness of the blood or other fluids. For this purpose the low voltage electric potentials applied to the treatment vessel should be of the order of from about 0.2 to 12 volts and should produce current flow densities in the blood or other fluids of from one microampere per square millimeter of electrode area exposed to the fluid being treated to about two milliamperes per square millimeter. Treatment time within this range of parameters may range for a period of time from about one minute to about 12 minutes.
U.S. References Cited: 15 patents: #'s 5049252, 3994799, 4473449, 5133932, 2490730, 3692648, 3753886, 3878564, 3965008, 4616640, 4770167, 4932421, 5058065, 5133932, 592735, 672231
Build your own Blood Electrification machine!: The Beck Blood Electrifier Schematic and Parts List.
Download your free PDF of Dr. Bob Becks Lecture which explains how to build your own Blood Electrification devices and Colloidal Silver makers.
Blood electrification. Patent #5139684, granted Aug 18 1992 (filed Nov 16 1990)
Electrically conductive method and systems for treatment of blood and other body fluids and/or synthetic fluids with electric forces
Discovery and Inventors: Dr. William Lyman & Dr. Steven Kaali (co-inventor Peter Schwolsky)
Science News 1991 article about Blood Electrification.
A new process and system for treatment of blood and/or other body fluids and/or synthetic fluids from a donor to a recipient or storage receptacle or in a recycling system using novel electrically conductive treatment vessels for treating blood and/or other body fluids and/or synthetic fluids with electric field forces of appropriate electric field strength to provide electric current flow through the blood or other body fluids at a magnitude that is biologically compatible but is sufficient to render the bacteria, virus, and/or fungus ineffective to infect normally healthy cells while maintaining the biological usefulness of the blood or other fluids. For this purpose the low voltage electric potentials applied to the treatment vessel should be of the order of from about 0.2 to 12 volts and should produce current flow densities in the blood or other fluids of from one microampere per square millimeter of electrode area exposed to the fluid being treated to about two milliamperes per square millimeter. Treatment time within this range of parameters may range for a period of time from about one minute to about 12 minutes.
U.S. References Cited: 15 patents: #'s 5049252, 3994799, 4473449, 5133932, 2490730, 3692648, 3753886, 3878564, 3965008, 4616640, 4770167, 4932421, 5058065, 5133932, 592735, 672231
Build your own Blood Electrification machine!: The Beck Blood Electrifier Schematic and Parts List.
Download your free PDF of Dr. Bob Becks Lecture which explains how to build your own Blood Electrification devices and Colloidal Silver makers.
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condition giving a cause for concern, or be used as a substitution for
such. If you have any symptoms which give cause for concern you should
consult your physician or other health care professional.
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Important Links
- Magnetic Pulsing - PEMFs
- Magnetic Pulsing Video
- What Exactly Is Colloidal Silver?
- Colloidal Silver Research Studies
- Silver Articles
- Dr. Hulda Clark
- Dr. Robert C. Beck
- The Beck Protocol
- The Real Facts on Colloidal Silver
- Suppressed Medical Discovery
- Science News 1991
- Blood Electrification US Patent: # 5,139,684
- Dr. Royal Raymond Rife - A Brief History
- Healing Cancer From Inside Out
- Food Matters
- Acidic Vs. Alkaline Blood