Compact, lightweight and portable. The MD4 with a luxurious look! It is a lightweight, easy to store and ideal to take along on trips. Fresh and purified water, no matter where you are. All you need is water and...
Water Distillers
Water Distillers boil water and condense the purified H2O steam to remove all impurities from the water, which stays at the bottom of the container. The PPM of distilled water is from 0-1 PPM, much better than a Water Filter. Water Distillers are the BEST way to make clean, healthy water. Purified or Distilled Water is required to make your own Colloidal Silver properly.

Portable Water Distiller MD 4L
The BEST COUNTER-TOP Home Water Purification Systems available. Complete Start Up Kit included at no additional charge! This counter-top unit is white on the outside and uses a high quality stainless steel steam...
Wine Distiller
Put low-alcohol or poor wine or source of wine in the boiling chamber. Turn on the power and plug in the socket, then set its temperature below 60-100℃, the machine will keep the temperature to produce...

Portable Water Disti

Wine Distiller
Important Links
- Magnetic Pulsing - PEMFs
- Magnetic Pulsing Video
- What Exactly Is Colloidal Silver?
- Colloidal Silver Research Studies
- Silver Articles
- Dr. Hulda Clark
- Dr. Robert C. Beck
- The Beck Protocol
- The Real Facts on Colloidal Silver
- Suppressed Medical Discovery
- Science News 1991
- Blood Electrification US Patent: # 5,139,684
- Dr. Royal Raymond Rife - A Brief History
- Healing Cancer From Inside Out
- Food Matters
- Acidic Vs. Alkaline Blood