Welcome to Magnetic Pulsing
Magnetic Pulsing, Blood Zapping, Colloidal Silver, EMF Protection and Alternative Health website.
When it comes to your personal health & well-being, ignorance is most definitely not bliss. Our website is dedicated to articles and information on matters of importance to health.
Too often today the established powers that be withold, censor or deliberately spread dis-information to protect the status-quo from which they benefit (profits). Our intention is to make such information available to everyone.
Please take some time to review the Important Links on the bottom left hand side!
Download your free PDF of Dr. Bob Becks Protocol which explains how to build your own Magnetic Pulsers, Blood Zappers and Colloidal Silver makers. If you don't want to build one yourself, have a look at the high quality Blood Zappers and Colloidal Silver Makers that we offer.

More info about Bob Beck: Dr. Robert C. Beck
See The high dose Vitamin and Mineral Gerson Therapy at work!!
New Products
Featured Products
€595.00 €485.95-18%
€264.95 €244.95-8%
€475.95 €399.95-16%
€44.95 €32.95-27%
€79.95 €74.95-6%
€399.00 €319.95-20%
Special Products
€399.00 €319.95-20%
€475.95 €399.95-16%
€119.70 €95.95-20%
€595.00 €485.95-18%
€264.95 €244.95-8%
€79.95 €74.95-6%
€179.95 €149.95-17%
€44.95 €32.95-27%
€44.95 €32.95-27%
€295.95 €265.00-10%
€649.00 €629.00-3%
€349.00 €329.00-6%
Liquid Oxygen Drops
€44.95 €32.95-27%

Soladey Interchangea
Liquid Oxygen Drops
€44.95 €32.95-27%

Personal Polarizer
€79.95 €74.95-6%

Sovereign Silver (16

Akai Ionizer PlusŪ M
€295.95 €265.00-10%

Akai Ionizer PlusŪ M

Colloidal Silver 10p

Silver Lungs Deluxe
€595.00 €485.95-18%

Polarizer Plate
Important Links
- Magnetic Pulsing - PEMFs
- Magnetic Pulsing Video
- What Exactly Is Colloidal Silver?
- Colloidal Silver Research Studies
- Silver Articles
- Dr. Hulda Clark
- Dr. Robert C. Beck
- The Beck Protocol
- The Real Facts on Colloidal Silver
- Suppressed Medical Discovery
- Science News 1991
- Blood Electrification US Patent: # 5,139,684
- Dr. Royal Raymond Rife - A Brief History
- Healing Cancer From Inside Out
- Food Matters
- Acidic Vs. Alkaline Blood